Medical Activity 2022 Medical and Nursing Care Support to Rishiri Island

Dispatching nurses and nursing staff to Rishiri Island where the cluster has occurred.


Originally, there were very few hospitals and doctors on Rishiri Island, Hokkaido. Due to its remote location, it was feared that the island would not be able to cope with a sudden increase in the number of Covid-19 patients. Immediately after the sudden death of one of the few doctors in the island, the sixth wave of the new coronavirus infection occurred, and the medical system on the island is now in a critical situation.

Although, it is a very difficult time for all of Japan to respond to the new coronavirus infection, we decided to dispatch medical personnel in cooperation with Peace Winds Japan, to Rishiri Island to respond to the new coronavirus infection.

We provide online lectures on infection control to those who are dispatched, and only dispatch those who have acquired the necessary knowledge. Based on our past experience of dispatching medical personnel and zoning training to facilities in Japan, we will ensure that the dispatched personnel do not get infected and do not bring in new infectious diseases.

We would appreciate your support.


We hold Zoom training before the dispatch.
Rishiri Island

We provide ZOOM training to dispatchers in advance on such topics as “tips for supporters,” “mental health care for supporters themselves,” and “infection prevention.


The funds will be used for infection prevention equipment and materials, activity expenses, and transportation expenses for the medical personnel we dispatch.

In addition, some of the funds may be used for operating expenses of the secretariat.