HuMA has been supporting a maternity hospital in Nanao City in parallel with its rescue center activities in Suzu City. The baby looked very comfortable as the HuMA midwife bathed. We also performed ward duties such as milking the mother and examining the pregnant woman using the delivery monitoring equipment.
During a short break in the evening with the obstetrician, we talked about the mountains, patients who had been in poor condition from the end of the year to the beginning of the new year, family medicine, and other miscellaneous topics. He told us that such time was invigorating and encouraging. However, there was not enough support, and even in the middle of the talk, he was calling around for midwives to be dispatched to the area.
This doctor has not returned home even once since the disaster and is unable to lie straight on the sofa in the hospital. He has managed to stay on so far because he is a powerful person, but we could see that he is fatigued. We will continue to support him and the maternity hospital staff tomorrow to relieve their burden as much as possible.

A large number of people are also coming to the relief and evacuation centers for various information and assistance. In some places there are a large number of fever patients, and the ambulance of Yodogawa Christian Hospital, to which the HuMA dispatcher belongs, is being used for fever patients. It is also necessary to deal with corona-positive patients. We are continuing to examine and transport patients.
Sometimes patients visit the relief station in the middle of the night, hoping to be seen after hours. Some do not want to return to the large room. If they also have a cough, we help them move to the isolation room.

HuMA activities continue into the night.