In result of the assessment, we decided to do support activities in Nagano. From the acute phase to the subacute phase, we dispatched total of 53 members for one and a half months. While responding to the medical needs of various regions, we reduced the burden on healthcare workers in the affected areas who are responsible for health and medical care. In addition, we encouraged and enlightened activities such as hand-washing and wearing masks so that volunteers coming to the disaster area would be aware of infectious disease prevention efforts.
<2019 Typhoon Hagibis JAPAN LATEST UPDATE>
Period: October 13 – November 29, 2019
Members: Total of 53 – Doctors(16), Nurses(27), Logisticians(5), Paramedics(2), Pharmacist(2) and Public Health Nurse(1)
After providing extensive assistance in the areas affected by typhoon, our last medical team returned home safely. Thank you very much for all of your support; your donation was a great encouragement to people in Nagano.
We visited the relevant organizations and handed out our exit report describing our activities and proposals. Today we also offered health consultations at the cooking venue.
A local organization that will take over our activities was decided.
We make various proposals for support activities from the viewpoint of healthcare professionals. We also consider ways to transfer our work to non-medical support organizations.
We, all the support groups work together to find the best way for the victims.
By clarifying how to check the dust mask, volunteers are able to attach it properly.
By clarifying how to check the dust mask, volunteers will be able to attach it properly.
We need to arrange the way of support on a case-by-case basis so that local organizations can respond after HuMA withdraws.
We have local organizations take over our work little by little, so that they can respond after HuMA withdraws.
Visiting by door is important, but if each group visits many times a day, the residents will be exhausted.
We have volunteers prevent illness by taking care of hand washing and gargles. We will continue to promote hygiene habits for them.
It has become severely cold for those living in the affected home. Today, two HuMA doctors and one nurse worked for disaster victims.
We conduct rescue activities and door-to-door visits at the request of the Social Welfare Council.
It is necessary to integrate information with other organizations to better understand the various needs of residents.
We offered first aids at a volunteer center. We also surveyed and intervened the health needs of the local residents in the area patrol.
HuMA members usually work at their own workplace and are dispatched when a disaster occurs. Today HuMA medical team did a lot of work with a small number of members.
A volunteer project dedicated to agriculture has started. We were in charge of reception and first aid booth.
Hot meals were provided to disaster victims at Tsuno Public Hall. HuMA was in charge of the health consultation booth.
One month has passed since the disaster occurred. It is still necessary to continue providing health consultations and distributing relief supplies. Thank you very much for your support of many supplies and donations.
Good relations with the local communities continue and we are entrusted with work in various places. We hope to meet the needs and contribute to the reconstruction of the affected areas.
Injured volunteers come to the rescue center on a daily basis. We tell them that prevention is important while taking action.
We were consulted by the local government about the fact that local people have accumulated fatigue.
While keeping in mind the establishment of a system in which the Headquarters Volunteer Center and branches can cooperate, we continue to work every day.
Several volunteer center branches have been established to accept the increasing number of volunteers, but there are branches where the environment has not been improved.
Several volunteer center branches have been established to accept the increasing number of volunteers, but there are branches where the environment has not been improved.
At multiple volunteer center branches, we performed material and environmental maintenance. Also,we conducted a patrol for health assistance around the volunteer center.
Last day of consecutive holidays. We explained to volunteers how to wear goggles and dust masks to prevent infection. There were about 8,000 volunteers in five different locations at the headquarters and branch offices in three days.
We provided medical consultation and arrangement of relief goods at one of the volunteer center branches called “Ringo-no-Sato” where accept the most number of volunteers in the area.
[Nagano] Consecutive holidays began and many volunteers came for clean up. Volunteers working in the mud often have accidents like stepping on a nail. We provided relief services at the volunteer center headquarters and branches. We also offered medical consultations and investigated the damage situation around the branch.
[Nagano] During October, we did various activities in various places such as shelter support, medical consultation, shelter assessment, disaster volunteer rescue support. In November, we will focus on disaster volunteer relief support. We will perform relief center operation of volunteer centere, and also will provide health consultation for the elderly who are living in disaster-stricken housing supported by volunteers.
[Nagano] During October, we did various activities in various places such as shelter support, medical consultation, shelter assessment, disaster volunteer rescue support. In November, we will focus on disaster volunteer relief support. We will perform relief center operation of volunteer centere, and also will provide health consultation for the elderly who are living in disaster-stricken housing supported by volunteers.
[Nagano] We made a greeting around the end of the shelter support. Meanwhile, our disaster volunteer relief support activities will be resumed.
[Nagano] When we distribute the support supplies, we assess carefully so that we can deliver to the places where really need them. Today, we distributed tents to 4 different evacutation centers.
[Nagano] At night, many people whose houses are damaged come back to the evacuation center.
[Nagano] We went around an evacuation center and examined patients who had swelling of the legs or were in poor health.
[Nagano] As it gets colder, there are more cold symptoms at evacuation centers.
[Nagano] On the weekend, volunteers gathered from all over the country. We are working to strengthen infection prevention measures for those who are covered in mud.
[Nagano] Tents were sent with support from Normeca Asia. It will be used for women’s changing space and children’s playground. Little by little, the environment of the evacuation center is improving.
[Nagano] Efforts are being made every day to ensure a good living environment at evacuation centers. We also prepared with the first aid staff to accept volunteers on the weekend.
[Nagano] The number of evacuees at shelters is increasing. HuMA officially received a request from the Nagano Prefectural Government Disaster Response Headquarters to support shelter operation until the end of November. We will make full use of our experience in disaster support both in Japan and overseas to improve the evacuation site environment, consolidate evacuation centers, conduct continuous assessments, and provide health consultations.
[Nagano] There was heavy rain in the city and an evacuation order was issued in the evening. Today we assessed four evacuation centers. Some shelters showed no signs of improvement in the hygienic environment, so we cleaned up with the operation staff. Many evacuees have various health problems, so we visit the center at night as well as during the day.
Today we received an official request from the Nagano Prefectural Government’s Disaster Management Headquarters for assistance in managing the evacuation centers. HuMA will support governments and evacuees with the experience of previous missions. The mission will be continued until the end of November. We need your help; please support our long-term medical activities.
[Nagano] In addition to the assessment of the four evacuation centers, now we are in charge of supporting volunteer center management. We provide operational support such as setting up first aid facilities, checking the health status of volunteers, providing hygiene advice, and checking the toilet environment.
[Fukushima] There is still damage from Typhoon Hagibis over a wide area. HuMA continues the investigation in Fukushima. Many people were evacuating to acquaintances’ homes rather than staying at shelters, and it makes tracking who needs medical assistance difficult. According to a volunteer, there were some town factories filled with volatile substances. It means that ophthalmology, otolaryngology, respiratory diseases such as rhinitis and conjunctivitis may increase.
[Nagano] During the assessment, we receive a variety of consultations from evacuees, but we try not to impose our proposal unilaterally. There are still many cases that require medical assistance.
[Nagano] We went around four evacuation centers to review the evacuation site environment and confirm where we needed to intervene.
[Nagano] Infectious diseases such as pneumonia and influenza may increase from now on; we prepared an isolation room in the evacuation center. During visits door-to-door, we dealt with those who need emergency transport.
[Nagano] Nagano City public health nurses began an all-house survey today. HuMA conducted an assessment in two different evacuation centers.
[Nagano] We had been providing emergency support in parallel with the survey, but this time, official dispatch in Nagano Prefecture was decided. Today, we conducted hospital patient evacuation support and assessment of shelters and unexamined areas.
[Nagano] Continuing from yesterday, we attended a meeting in Nagano Prefecture, assessed evacuation site, and supported hospital evacuation. Other HuMA teams conducted a needs assessment in Fukushima and Miyagi Prefecture.
[Nagano] We transported severe patients who need to move from the blackout hospital to another safe hospital.
[Tochigi] HuMA doctor and nurses continued to investigate. They visited the Sano City Hall to gather informations and went around evacuation centers in an inconvenient location.
[Fukushima] HuMA doctor continued to investigate.
Assesment teams entered the affected areas of Tokyo, Kanagawa, Tochigi, Nagano, Fukushima to meet medical needs.
Many victims need medical assistance! HuMA also support local supporters such as government and public health nurses who work for evacuees and who are also suffers in the disaster.1) Donation through PayPal |
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Bank Address: | 3-2 Kasumigaseki 1 Chiyoda, Tokyo 100-8798 Japan |
CHIPS UID: | 427593 |
Account Number: | 00190-6-569149 |
Payee Name: | NPO Humanitarian Medical Assistance (HuMA) |
Payee Address: | 1-24-1-308 Sangenjaya Setagaya, Tokyo 154-0024 Japan |
Payee Phone: | No +81-3-3413-7510 |
*Remittances in either USD or EUR can be made from overseas banks, via a designated intermediary bank. |
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Bank Address: | 2-7-9 Sendagi Bunkyo, Tokyo113-0022 Japan |
Ordinary Account: | No 8010278 |
Payee Name: | Humanitarian Medical Assistance, Chairman of Board, Kazuhiko Maekawa |
Payee Address: | 1-24-1-308 Sangenjaya Setagaya, Tokyo 154-0024 Japan |
Payee Phone: | No +81-3-3413-7510 |
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For more information, please contact tso@huma.or.jp
Thank you once again for your generous offer!