
Visiting Temporary Housing and Areas Still Experiencing Water Outages (09.29)

Today we visited the temporary housing at Horyu Elementary and Junior High School, which had served as our base of operations during the Noto earthquake relief efforts.

We were happy to reunite with some of the people HuMA supported during the earthquake. One individual, whom we had assisted with bathing, greeted us with a smile, without even needing a cane. “Everyone tells me how much healthier I look since the earthquake!” she exclaimed. We also visited a man with a history of stroke who we had assisted with bathing. We confirmed that he had switched from an IH stovetop to gas, as a precaution due to his pacemaker.

We then visited homes we had supported in our previous visit. In areas still experiencing water outages since the earthquake, residents are relying on limited water supplies and support, but persisting through these challenging circumstances. We also visited a couple now living in temporary housing. The husband had been caring for his wife in their pre-earthquake home, which was in danger of collapsing. They shared that they are now able to live peacefully, thanks in part to receiving home-visit nursing care.

In the afternoon, we traveled to the Zenno district, which is also experiencing water outages. Due to road closures, some homes were completely isolated and had run out of drinking water. We delivered emergency supplies of water and reported the situation to the support team.

Walking around and navigating hilly terrain under the hot sun was a strong reminder that physical stamina is essential for disaster relief work. More than anything, it’s the smiling faces of the survivors, welcoming us into their lives, that fuels our commitment to support their recovery.


Revisit to Noto Earthquake Survivors Struggling to Secure Water Due to Severed Road Access